简介: Rushing to a bank robbery, Ben perfectly follows arrest procedure only to see a fugitive commit suicide. Sammy and Nate investigate the murder of a street gang member who was recently acquitted of rape, probably ignoring she's the daughter of gang baron Luis Reyes. Russell is amused to see Lidia suffers the same selfish rudeness from her new, domineering partner as he, but gracefully, put up with from her.
7.0 玛蒂尔达·鲁茨/波西亚·德·罗西/伊瓦娜·洛蒂托/费德里科·伊帕迪/南多·鲍勒/阿莱西奥·普拉蒂科/Ernesto D'Argenio/马龙·朱伯特//朱塞佩·洛·皮科洛/Lorenzo de Moor/约萨法特·瓦尼/Leon de la Vallée/Orlando Cinque/Simone Corbisiero/Gianmarco Vettori/Pietro Micci/Giulio Beranek/Astrid Casali/Simone Proietti/